
TMJ and Migraine Relief

Do you suffer from chronic headaches, migraines and jaw joint pain?

Many headaches and migraines can be caused by clenching your teeth or grinding your teeth at night! As your upper and lower teeth touch, the muscles in your face, the joint near your ear and the sides of your forehead contract. If this contact is too forceful or frequent the muscles can go into spasm creating headaches and jaw pain. This is commonly caused by dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.

Dr. Shore has great success with a newly FDA approved small device (NTI) that protects your mouth from grinding down and disengages these mechanisms that cause the pain.

The piece is placed in your mouth and worn when sleeping to help with the headaches and jaw pain. If you suffer from chronic headaches, migraines and jaw joint pain,
Dr. Jared Shore can consult with you to discover if his oral appliance therapy is appropriate for you.

Dr. Shore is one of America’s first providers of Grindcare, an alternative to night guards for the treatment of bruxing and TMJ.

This is a highly effective treatment for many patients who suffer from the debilitating effects of TMJ and Bruxism.

At his New York Dental Office, Dr. Shore also offers Botox as a treatment option for those who suffer from TMJ.