
Teeth Whitening

Enhance your smile with ease with the help of professional teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most simplistic yet powerful ways to create a youthful, healthy looking appearance. At Dr. Shore’s Central Park dental practice we offer a range of professional teeth whitening options to suit the unique needs of each patient. Our range includes:

Zoom 3! ‘Extreme Power’

This in chair professional teeth whitening treatment utilizes highly efficient light to activate gel while you are in the office for 45 minutes of whitening. As seen on “Extreme Makeover”.

Deep Bleaching

Dental impressions are taken and custom trays are engineered for you. During your first visit the whitening gel is applied over the teeth for 40 minutes. The trays are then worn for two weeks at home.

At Home Bleaching

Take home custom trays are fabricated and then worn at home for a few hours a night for ten days. Dr. Jared Shore will take your smile, lifestyle and budget into consideration to recommend the most appropriate whitening treatment for you.

How to maintain your bright results…

  • Reduce your consumption of highly colored food and drink including coffee, colas, red wine, tea and blueberries
  • Brush your teeth immediately after eating with an electric toothbrush where possible
  • Chewing sugarless gum is recommended to stimulate saliva flow, freshen breath, clean teeth and to remove surface stains
  • Use a straw to bypass the front teeth, with drinks that have high stain potential
  • Do not brush your teeth too vigorously, it can thin or put striations into the enamel, making the teeth darker looking

If discolorations are detracting from the beauty of your smile, then professional tooth whitening treatment offered by Dr. Shore may be the ideal choice for you.